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Wave Rock of Malaysia

Wave Rock of Malaysia
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The Geological Society of Malaysia has suggested that Bukit Baginda located in Kampung Majau, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan to be preserved and turned into a Geopark.  Its president, Abd. Rasid Jaapar, said a thorough mapping needs to be carried out to identify suitable areas for that purpose. 

Geopark is a location that is characterized by high heritage values in terms of geology, biological diversity and culture of the local community.

Bukit Baginda has granite wave rock that is abundant in Peninsular Malaysia, especially in the Titiwangsa Range and is over 200 million years old. Wave rock located at the top of Bukit Baginda, about 13 kilometers from the town of Batu Kikir, is 450 meters high and is the focus of climbers and geologists enthusiasts since the end of 2018.

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